Photography Wandering ☮ Vlog

Alright, Vlogs.
I’ve decided I’m just going to talk about life n’ shit. It’s been a while since I’ve done talking Vlogs, the ones of late have just been of me running-a-muck around Sydney/NZ, the occasional lip syncing clip, and video evidence of me breaking the garage door with handstand attempts. These talking Vlogs are not going to be planned so I cannot be held responsible for the randomness of them, just daily happenings and thoughts about anything and everything. It might turn out ok, it might get awkward.

So please click the link to watch me follow through with the weird where I talk about how crackers are a form of addiction, random impulse buys, beach wandering, and rocking Kmart pants in Ponsonby. Then could you possibly subscribe to the channel just to humour me.

Thank you for watching x

Ceres Wholefoods, Tom & Luke, Wonder Kombucha, Muriwai, Eastwest Yoga, Configure Express Ponsonby, Niki’s hair & Makeup by Nikki Milina,
Photo’s from shoot on

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