Hello: An Introduction ☮ Blog

Hello and welcome to my fresh little corner of the world wide web!

This is my new addition to my work and career and place to put all my thoughts, ideas, knowledge and journey of my inner and outer world (if you also have a sun sign in Pisces, and/or a modern day gypsy, knowledge hoarder, you can relate that there’s a lot that goes on in the noggin :P ).  I’ll be doing a lot of emptying my brain into blog pages, divulging in the form of article writing of the consciousness expanding kind, arty farty poetry, Vlogs of me talking shit, and basically whatever other form of self-expression I’m feeling like running with at any given time.   It is the place of my work with photography, tarot, and my little shop (coming May) – I’m very excited about my projects kicking off this year in 2016, its going to be a goodin’!

Having been on a bit of a journey over the last few years, the whole Eat Pray Love kind-of a deal, my hope is that with this new knowledge and getting my work out into the world with both stacysadler.com & fitbellawomen.com, others will experience soul lifting growth in their own way as well.

Being in touch with our mystical side of life and coming back to our roots is something I believe that everyone should incorporate into their day-to-day lives, no matter how big or small the practice. The last thing you should do is suppress or ignore the song that your soul is singing to you….your authentic self knows best!  If you listen, you’ll discover your amazing power and purpose.

Stay weird, get adventuring.


Please follow and like, thanking you! ☮
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