New Moon in Aquarius – January 2017 ☮ Astrology

➰New moon in Aquarius coming up on the 27th/28th January leads us into a great time of thinking about how we could view things differently and opening our eyes to something bigger 😳😮😃January is a bit of a ‘get your shit together’ month 💩 – we’ve just been in festivity season mode for a while and as we settle ourselves down back into whatever routine we have; we start to evaluate where we might actually want to take our lives this year 🤔So….start expanding you horizon! ✨ Aquarius is an Air sign, but, the symbol of Aquarius is that she is a water bearer 💧 Water is a pretty essential element for life, health and survival! 🤓 A symbol of liberation, her water from the vessel she carries washes away the past, leaving room for fresh, new starts 😎 If we want to change the world, it starts with ourselves – Individuality is a theme, don’t be a cookie cutter carbon copy or follower of mainstream bullshit 🙅🏼 Use this eccentric humanitarian energy to create something new and EXCITING 🙌🏻 So you’ve got a few more days to sloth in ‘get your shit together’ January – then its go time! 😜💃

For personal tarot new moon readings please message 💌or use the contact page 👍🏻✨ SS

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