May Full Moon In Sagittarius ☮ Astrology

There was a biiig full moon in Sagittarius last night, and also a Blue Moon!
So…’once in a blue moon’ kinda things could be happening!  Around the time of full moons is when we will start to see what we have been manifesting into our lives.
Sagittarius is all about adventure, self-confidence and moving out of our comfort zones – it’s a fire sign so we could find a boost of inspiration and burning feelings for growth and freedom that we just can’t ignore! ✊🏻 We are also coming to the end of Mercury Retrograde in Taurus which could have shaken up and opened up our eyes to a few truths over the last 3 weeks to do with our values, relationships, money matters, possessions and communication.
There’s still a lot to happen throughout this next month cycle, this full moon is only half the picture and the rest will be revealed around June 20th moving into the next full moon, also in Sagittarius. Although we will go into this period now of seeing things a bit clearer and be ready to take a few adventurous leaps! Dooo ittt ✌🏻️
My experience, Mercury Retrograde definitely brought a new light on seeing something for what it really is and deciding that it definitely doesn’t serve me in a positive was so….Done. Over it. Bye! ✋🏻Also the manifesting game is strong and some really cool things showing up! 🤓 Am excited to see what this next month brings and what will be revealed next month :D


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